FORK 1003 Preparatory course in Mathematics, Economics and Econometrics 2021/22




Lecture plan

Date: Topic: Exercises:
Mon Aug 09: 0900-1145, A1-040 Lecture 1: Linear systems and Gaussian elimination [E] 1.1 - 1.5 - Solutions
Mon Aug 09: 1400-1645, A1-040 Lecture 2: Functions in one variable and the derivative Problems - Solutions
Tue Aug 10: 0900-1145, A1-040 Lecture 3: Matrices and vectors, matrix multiplication, inverse matrices [E] 2.1-2.2, 3.1, 3.3 - Solutions
Tue Aug 10: 1400-1645, A1-040 Lecture 4: Optimization in one variable. Integration. [E] B.1 - B.10 - Solutions
Wed Aug 11: 0900-1145, A1-040 Lecture 5: Determinants [E] 3.4, 3.6, 3.7 - Solutions
Wed Aug 11: 1400-1645, A1-040 Lecture 6: Partial derivatives and optimization in two variables [E] 5.1abcd, 5.2, 6.3ab - Solutions

Economics and Econometrics

A video course will be offered. It will be available from It's Learning in August.