ELE 3781 Mathematics elective and the home exam in January
General information about the exam
- The exam will be a home exam on Mon Jan 18th at 09-12. As far as I understand, teaching planned for this time period will be rescheduled.
- The grade will be pass/fail, and the exam will count for 100 % of your grade in the course.
- I expect there to be a retake exam in the spring, but have no concrete information about this yet. It could be in March or in the exam period (May/June).
- If you take a retake exam with grade A-F, the grade obtained will be combined with your grade on the earlier home exam. If this is better (i.e. giving you a higher gpa), it will replace the pass/fail grade.
- The exam time will be 3h. I expect that you will need a maximum of 15 minutes to upload your exam.
- I will make the work load somewhat less than for a normal 3h school exam. With the same work load per question, this would mean 11 instead of 12 subquestions.
- The questions will be based on Lecture 1-12 (common topics) and complex numbers (from Lecture A).
- It is a difficult task to write an exam that can measure your level as a school exam could, and I have not
made the exam yet. I will base it on these principles:
- I will make the exam questions reflect what you should have learned through working with lectures, problem sets, and earlier exam problems. This is recommended as preparation for the exam.
- The exam problems will in part be of a similar type as earlier exam problems
- In part, there could be problems that are not quite like earlier exam problems, but still questions that you should know how to answer based on the kind of preparations mentioned above.
- There might be more questions of a conceptual nature than on earlier exams. To answer such questions, it is important to know definitions and theory from the course.
- The reason for this, is that purely computational problems give less information about your level on a home exam.
- There are many questions of both types among Key problems, problems from [E], and workbook problems.
Support before the exam
- All material on the web page and It's Learning will remain available. This includes all videos from the course and the preparatory course (at least the maths part).
- In It's Learning, it might be necessary to look for the course among archived (not active) courses. You find these under Courses -> All courses -> Archived.
- I have posted a new chapter of [E] a couple of days ago (covering Lecture 12), and it is possible that I get time to post one or two more chapters before the exam. In that case, I will post them in It's Learning.
- I will be available to anwer your questions as far as I can. For written questions, I prefer that you write by email, not It's Learning message. It is possible to arrange for help on zoom if you ask me.
- I will be at the office from Mon Jan 4th, but there are probably still going to be restrictions making it difficult to see you IRL.
Evaluation of the exam papers
- I will not give you a precise treshold for pass in advance. I indicate that a treshold of 50% is often used for pass/fail exams. The treshold could end up higher or lower than this.
- You must justify your answers. When evaluating your exam papers, we will emphasize your justifications more than on a school exam.
- It is particularly important to relate your arguments with the theory in the course, and to present the theory in a short, clear and precise way.
How to answer the exam
- You must upload your exam paper as a single pdf file. It must be easy to read.
- Your exam paper should be handwritten. It is usually best to write by hand and scan. You can also write by hand using an iPad or a similar device. Printouts from software give no score.
- Be aware of the limitations of the software used to you hand in your exams (probably DigiEx). I am thinking of margins (we can only evaluate the parts of your script we see) and filesize limitation.
- The answer paper must be written and prepared individually. Collaboration with others is not permitted and is considered cheating.
- All answer papers are automatically subjected to plagiarism control. Students may also be called in for an oral consultation as additional verification of an answer paper.