EBA2910 Mathematics for Business Analytics and COVID-19/corona
Information regarding the effects of COVID-19/corona on the course EBA2910 Mathematics for Business Analytics. This page will be updated as I get new information.
- All lectures going forward will be given online. I will post the video of each lecture on It's Learning, and notes from the lectures as pdfs on the web page (as before).
- The lectures will follow the updated lecture plan on the web page.
Problem sessions
- There will no longer be problem sessions in B2-050. Instead, there will be problem sessions on Zoom (as a video conference) on Mondays.
- I will post a problem set for each lecture, and a pdf with complete solutions.
- The problem sessions (Zoom) going forward will follow the updated plan on the web page.
General information about the exam
- The date for the mathematics exam is June 19th, 2020 at 0900-1600. There will not be an exam in August.
- It will be a digital home exam, with grade pass/fail.
- The exam time is 5h (ordinary exam time) + 1h (extra time) + 1h margin (to make sure that all students have time to hand in their paper).
- The exam will have some more work than an ordinary 5h exam, but the increase will be moderate (less than 20%).
Exam elements
- The exam in June will count for 100% of your grade in the course. If you pass, you will get the grade pass on the course, whether or not you passed the two course papers and the multiple choice exam in December.
- There will be no multiple choice exam in the spring semester (retake for EBA29102).
- There will be some extra questions on the June exam from the curriculum in the autumn semester, and this is why the exam has 1h extra time. There are normally questions from the curriculum in the autumn semester on the final exam.
How to answer the exam
- You must prepare yourself to hand in the exam from home as a pdf file. The best solutions is almost always to write by hand and to scan to pdf, and it is a good idea to check that you can do this in a good way well ahead of the exam.
- All answers must be justfied based on the theory in the course. As this is a home exam, the justification is even more important than at an ordinary exam. Printouts from software give no score.
- The cut-off for passing the exam will not be decided in advance. You may assume that the cut-off will be between 40% (ordinary school exam) and 60% (course papers).
Exam problems
- The exam problems will be made such that you will profit from having worked with Problem Set 1-31 and earlier exams.
- Many problem types from the problem sets and earlier exams are relevant for the home exam, while some other problems are not so relevant for a home exam, and will be formulated differently.
- I may post more practice problems before the exam, to give you examples of problem types that are relevant for the home exam.
- The answer paper must be written and prepared individually. Collaboration with others is not permitted and is considered cheating.
- All answer papers are automatically subjected to plagiarism control. Students may also be called in for an oral consultation as additional verification of an answer paper.
On pass/fail and A-F grades
- Those of you that want an A-F grade in the course, may register for a new exam in the autumn semester. The exam in June will not count as an exam attempt, and you can register for a new exam in the autumn semester without paying extra.
- To get an A-F grade, all four exam elements (EBA29101-EBA29104) must be passed in the usual way. The June exam is an exception, and the only time when one exam will count for 100% of the course.
- It is not necessary with an A-F grade to complete you BSc in Business Analytics at BI.
- Usually, the average grade is computed based on A = 5, B = 4, C = 3, D = 2, E = 1. Courses with a pass/fail grade does not count towards the average grade. You must decide for yourself if you want or need an A-F grade.